Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oedipus Rex Reflection - Blindness

Oedipus blinds himself at the end of the play because he can no longer look upon his crimes.  He gouges out his eyes to blot out the pain.  Without eyes he will not have to look upon his father and mother in Hades, or to endure the sight of his children.  The ideal for him would be deprived of all perception of the external world, a world which can only remind him of the pain he is in. 

Why does Oedipus blind himself?  Why does Sophocles represent Oedipus as blinding himself?


  1. Well, Oedipus blinds himself because he'd rather not look at his children, which are also his sisters. His whole world around him was nothing but a reminder of what his past, and present has come to. Sophocles represented Oedipus blinding himself to show that Oedipus was an emotion filled man, and would rather be blind than see what actually happened.

  2. He blinds himself so that he cannot see his crimes in which he has committed. Sophocles represents him blinding himself because Oedipus realizes his crimes which he committed and punishes himself.
